Physical Education in Building Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem among Grade VII Students of University of Bohol - Victoriano D. Tirol Advanced Learning Center (UB-VDT-ALC)




Self-Confidence, Self-esteem, Physical Education, Grade VII Students, Quantitative Research, Philippines, Asia


Physical education provides additional uniqueness to the school curriculum as it is the only program that provides students with opportunities to learn motor skills, develop fitness, and gain socialization through a variety of activities that will enable students to develop self-trust and confidence to become successful in life. The study aimed to find out the impact of physical education on building the self-confidence and self-esteem of the students. The researcher employed the normative survey method using the questionnaire as the main tool and the purposive universal sampling method was used considering that only the Grade VII class was utilized as respondents, yet it was universal for the entire class participating in the study. The results showed that the student respondents themselves perceived that they had developed Self-Confidence but still needs to have more and needed to nurture their Self-Confidence. This suggests that the Grade VII students are skillful enough to do things on their own; hence, they are confident and satisfied in life. It also shows that the Grade VII students of VDT-ALC have already developed their Self-Esteem. This implies that the Grade VII students believe that because they have the skills and capability to do things and have confidence in their selves, therefore, they have high expectations to achieve whatever they aspire to or desire.


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