Mental Health and Quality of Life During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Local Residents in San Isidro, Bohol
Mental Health Status, Quality of Life during the COVID-19 pandemic, quantitative-descriptive-correlational method, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test Bohol, PhilippinesAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic is a global pandemic that affects the mental health and quality of life of many people. This study aimed to determine the mental health and quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic among residents in San Isidro, Bohol, as of Calendar Year 2022, and the study’s findings will serve as the basis for the formulation of the proposed intervention program. The study used the quantitative descriptive survey method of research utilizing survey questionnaires that measured residents' profiles, mental health, and quality of life. The resident’s profile questionnaire measures the age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, and employment status. To measure the residents' mental health, the study used the stress-allied queries designed by Meo et al., the COVID-19 worry scale designed by Oli Ahmed, and the WHO Quality of Life Scale to measure the quality of life. The study found that the respondents possessed a fair mental health status, and their quality of life was interpreted as good. There was a significant degree of relationship between the mental health status and the respondents’ quality of life. It implies that the mental health status of the residents during the COVID-19 pandemic also affects the respondents’ quality of life.
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